For the past month, people had been made more aware of animal abuse all over the world mostly because of the uproar brought about by China’s Yulin Festival. The said festival enraged several animal rights activists and animal lovers all over the world, including the Philippines. People spoke out for the poor dogs and defended them from those who wanted to hurt them. On the other hand, other animal lovers posted a question of ethics and morals when they asked why the same treatment and defense is not given to animals like cows, pigs and the like. Makes you think twice actually.
A few days ago, photos of pole dancers from China re-enacting images of animal abuse started spreading over the web. It kinda makes you think twice about how you treat animals… what if that were me? We understand that not everyone may love animals, but we cannot understand nor tolerate those who choose to abuse them.
Some people seem to have this notion that they are JUST animals… however, we have to understand that they deserve proper care and respect too. What’s sad is sometimes they act more human than real people do.
So the next time you’re thinking of hurting or leaving your pet… or even just a stray cat or dog on the street, do think twice. Every life deserves love and respect, no matter how small.
What do you guys think of this? How does it make you feel?