Remember that awesome 90’s Nickelodeon cartoon, Hey Arnold? It’s that show that follows the life of a bunch of goofy fourth-graders, headed (pun not intended) by our favorite “football head” – Arnold!
Well, you see, Arnold was voiced by then 14-year-old Lane Toran when the show first aired in 1996, but the thing is, the internet is freaking out now when it has been discovered that little Lane back then has now grown up to be the bearded, tattooed fox in which dreams are clearly made of. Here are pictures to prove just that:
And if these pictures are not enough to make you ~*swoon*~ perhaps you’d be happier to know that this epitome of manliness makes music, too. – You’re welcome.
Thank you, Lane, for growing up the way you did and making us love Hey Arnold all the more.
Did you love Hey Arnold as a kid, too? Who was your favorite character from the show?