The Philippines may have horrible traffic, and our crime rate isn’t really low, but despite all the negative news about our country, it’s nice to know that there are still a lot of kind and honest individuals in our country. Regardless of how small some may think their actions were, we will keep sharing them here on, and hopefully inspire more people to be just like them, and to not lose hope in our country.
Earlier today, musician Rex Van Carlo Mollo shared a wonderful story of honesty that took place in LRT 1’s Pedro Gil station, read his story below.
“FAITH IN HUMANITY RESTORED: Earlier yesterday at LRT 1 Pedro Gil station, I needed to tie my shoelaces placing my wallet somewhere I shouldn’t. After completing the knots, I got off the station assuming that my wallet had been with me the whole time. About 20 minutes after, I realized it was no longer with me. I lost it.
My wallet had a few hundreds, several coins, beep card with credit budgeted for my month’s travel to and from work. As I took a mental review of its contents, I became more increasingly agitated. Nowadays, if a valuable goes missing in a public place, for sure there is no assurance of its retrieval. Well, this was a totally different story.
Thanks to the awesome security personnel of LRT 1 Pedro Gil, who greeted me with a smile, asked for the details of the missing item, and ushered me to the place where I could retrieve my wallet. My agitation gradually disappeared as their smiles and assistance comforted me.
In a society crawling with corruption and fear, we have been so used to hearing bad stories of how humanity failed many, yet there are still honest folks out there who are consistent with their integrity and keeping faith on the blessings from kindness and righteousness — inspiring many to become better than they are.
KUDOS to Lady Guard Ascuncion and Lady Guard Cristina Flores of LRT 1 Pedro Gil station. Thank you for your honesty and service! Keep it up!”
Awesome job to the two lady guards! We’re sure some of your are thinking, “they’re security guards, it’s their job!” Well, though that may be the case, everyone still has a choice to do something else. Hey, it’s our government’s job to take care of us, but some of them are even the one’s robbing us. So regardless of these lady guard’s position, their honesty is admirable and definitely worth sharing!
What do you think of Rex’s story? Do you know these guards?