The University of the Philippines Los Banos conducted a university wide presidential and vice presidential mock elections last November 26, 2015. The Department of Social Sciences of University of the Philippines Los Baños recently conducted their University-wide Presidential and Vice Presidential Mock Elections spearheaded by Political Science 1 Section W students under Mr. Miguel Enrico Ayson last 26th of November 2015 with more than 2000 respondents.
Consisting of 6 sections, each were assigned to different colleges to hold mock elections. Tallying then followed per college and consolidated it as a university wide result where Sen. Santiago obtained the majority of votes for the presidential election, while Sen. Escudero obtained a narrow lead over Cong. Robredo for the vice presidential race.
In the National survey however, Duterte leads by 38% instead of Santiago but Escudero was also the poll leader by 30% conducted by the SWS survey for November.
Who will you vote for this coming election?