He probably wanted to make mass livelier, but the Diocese of San Pablo, Laguna saw it differently. When a priest decided to use a hoverboard before giving the final blessing of the Christmas Eve Mass, the Diocese reacted by suspending him.
The Diocese told Rappler:
That was wrong. The Eucharist demands utmost respect and reverence. It is the Memorial of the Lord’s Sacrifice. It is the source and summit of Christian life. It is the Church’s highest form of worship. Consequently, it is not a personal celebration where one can capriciously introduce something to get the attention of the people.
On the suspension, the Diocese said:
The priest said that it was a wake up call for him; he acknowledged that his action was not right and promised that it will not happen again.
He will be out of the parish and will spend some time to reflect on this past event. He would like to apologize for what happened.
A hoverboard is a battery-operated device that transports the user from point A to point B. It was first seen in the science-fiction movie Back to the Future II.
Watch the video of the priest on the hoverboard below. It was first uploaded by Flow Cartagena:
Did the Diocese go h-overboard or were they right in sanctioning the priest? Share your thoughts below!