Almost everyone loves hotdogs.
In the Philippines, we love to have it at breakfast as we eat it with fried rice (sinangag) and fried egg (itlog) that we popularly call “hotsilog”.
We also enjoy having it as a snack, sandwiched in a hotdog bun and then slapped on top with a little ketchup, mayo, cheese, and/or mustard.
We can also eat it as it is, as a street food, skewered on a thin piece of bamboo stick and then grilled.
Around the world, hotdogs are famous and they can be enjoyed in many ways.
Food Republic posted 40 different hotdog styles from around the world. Philippines and Japan’s hotdog style definitely stand out among the crowd.
(Image from: Food Republic)
What’s you go-to hotdog style? What do you top your hotdogs with?