Uber Philippines has finally launched the recently talked about UberHOP, a carpool schemed service that lets passengers ride together when heading to a similar route or location. They want to battle the on going traffic problem in Manila so they came up with this ride-sharing feat.
For their pilot test for this service, it is available for those travelling in Makati or BGC area for now as they are testing it. For an introductory price of Php 75.00 you will be paired with a driver and other passengers that are heading to a common destination. It is only available during weekdays 6am-10am and 4pm-9pm excluding holidays. So basically, it is geared towards office workers around the city.
How does it work?
- You need to update your Uber on your phone.
- Check to see if you’re in the area where UberHOP is available
- Request for a ride
- Go and walk to the suggested pick up point
- If you are late, you will miss your ride. They will not wait for you.
- You may share your ride with 2-5 people depending on the size of the car
- You will arrive in a common area in Makati or BGC near your destination. From there, you may walk.
What do you think of this new service from Uber?