I’ve been seeing Libreng Komiks being shared on a lot of my friends’ walls for a while now, and they never fail to make me LOL or at the very least make me QLI (quietly laugh inside). So, when I found out that they were actually making a printed version of the Libreng Komiks that I have come to love online – a version that I could keep and browse through when I’m not online (I’m a certified printed bookworm, see) – I knew I had to look into it.
Toto Madayag says the inspiration from the comics comes from things that he encounters everyday: an overheard conversation in a bus, something a politician or celebrity said on TV, things that go viral on social media – something he can twist to add a little humour. Here are some samples of his comics online:
Toto started Libreng Komiks a year ago and shares that he did have a plan to turn the comics into a book back then, even though he has been releasing them for free on Facebook. “I didn’t expect this kind of quick, positive reception,” he says, “so I kinda felt I had to release a book on the Facebook page’s first-year anniversary, and decided that crowdfunding is the best way to go about it.”
Basically, there is no definite date, but once they get 1,000 pre-orders, they will print the books right away and they should be ready for shipping within 2-3 weeks. Let’s make this happen, guys! 1… 2… 3… Pre-order!!!
Libreng Komiks
You may also preorder here: https://web.facebook.com/commerce/products/993793270689387/