Did you lose a laptop at Escolta yesterday? If so, then you might be the one that Nathaniel Silva, Jr. is currently looking for.
At around 3:30pm yesterday, he says he saw a bag fall off of a motorcycle with a passenger riding on the back near Jones Bridge. The bag has a laptop and some papers in it, but no contact number or address.
There were other things in the bag, too, but Nathaniel says he won’t mention the other items, so that he can identify the real owner if he/she tries to claim it. Nathaniel says he thinks that the owner might need the laptop and papers for work and feels sorry for them, hoping that he can somehow find them and return what is theirs.
Please do share this, so that we can get the laptop back to its rightful owner. Let’s help and hope that Nathaniel finds the owner soon, shall we? :)
You may contact Nathaniel through his Facebook page here.