Okay, needless to say that on it’s first week here in the Philippines, Pokemon Go’s hype has been really huge.
So, to add up to that hype, here’s an estimate of how many steps you need to make in order to hatch those eggs and get some cool Pokemon!
It’s actually pretty cool that we take as many steps as those, as part of the rules of the game. I guess this is why it encouraged some to get up and actually walk around more. Cool! Note that we should at least have 10,000 steps a day, and look at that. The 10km egg even requires the user to go beyond!
It’s like hitting two birds with one stone. You get to be a little healthier and you get a really cool Pokemon. Okay, off to hatch an egg I go!
For other useful Pokemon Go links, check these out:
How to Save Your Phone Battery While Playing Pokemon GO
How to Get the Best Pokemon GO Experience with freenet, PayMaya, and Smart
5 Safety Reminders for Playing Pokemon GO in the Philippines
And don’t forget: always be alert and keep safe as you play!
5 Safety Reminders for Playing Pokemon GO in the Philippines
8 Pokemon Go Safety Tips According to PNP
How’s your Pokemon Go experience so far?