This whole month is the perfect period to thank a teacher – just in time for National Teachers’ Month. The Department of Education (DepEd) leads the month-long celebration, which includes National Teachers’ Day (NTD) and World Teachers’ Day (WTD).
The celebration is pursuant to Presidential Proclamation No. 242 entitled “Declaring the Period from September 5 to October 5 of Every Year as National Teachers‘ Month, as well as Republic Act No. 10743, Declaring the 5th Day of October Every Year as “National Teachers’ Day”, and the designation of the “World Teachers’ Day” every 5th of October by the United Nations Education and Culture Organizations (UNESCO).
Go on! You have permission to give your teachers some love and attention without fear of anyone calling you “sipsip” or a teacher’s pet. Tag them and give them a shoutout on social media. Make sure to use these hashtags, too: #TayoParaSaEdukasyon, #NationalTeachersMonth and yes, #ThankYouTeacher!