Disney fans are excited for the live-action adaptation of Beauty and the Beast, a tale of an arrogant young prince who is turned into a beast, and who must make a girl fall in love with him to return to his human form. It is the first animated feature to be nominated for the Academy Award for Best Picture.
The live action-adaptation was announced this May, and will feature a powerhouse cast led by Emma Watson as Belle, Dan Stevens as Beast, Luke Evans as Gaston, Emma Thompson as Mrs. Potts, Ewan McGregor as Lumière, Ian McKellen as Cogsworth, and Stanley Tucci as Cadenza.
The trailer and some behind-the-scenes photos were slowly released online, including a table reading of Watson and Stevens. And in the background, netizens pointed out that there was a concept art of Mrs. Potts and Chip, two lovable characters from the Disney animation.
The film will come out in March 2017.
Watch the table read below and try to spot Mrs. Potts and Chip:
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