Screenshots of a girl posted by angry netizens are going viral on the Internet. The girl in the photos is said to be bragging about her father SHOOTING the neighbor’s dog with a gun because it was being noisy.
Rough translation: The dog was so noisy! Then, my dad shot it! #ThugLife.
People who commented on her post were making fun of the incident and talking about how badass the father was for doing that. They said the father should be given sunglasses and a tobacco on hand for him to look more bad-ass. The girl then said “The dog had a breed. The owner kept crying. Deaaad.”
They were comparing the father’s action to that of a deer hunter and that people should back away from the father because they would know their fate if not. The girl then said that the dog was still warm.
Netizens also posted a screenshot of her Twitter account apparently boasting on that social media as well.
Netizen Emenard talked about his disappointment in reading things like these and that in their “society” people like these are considered ex-cons and deserve a serious punishment.
Rough translation: It is natural for dogs to bark. It is their defense mechanism when they bark.
Rough translation: If that father is noisy, I will shoot him.
What are your thoughts on this incident?
If your neighbor’s pet is causing some problems, how should it be handled?
Let us know.