Truly, they aren’t “serbidoras” they are our “heroes of the sky.”
Let’s steer away from the negativities we see online by reading this inspiring story about how these flight attendants saved one’s life.
We’ve heard different stories about our dear flight attendants. Some of them are bad, while the majority of the stories are inspiring.
Such is this uplifting story shared by, a website about airline cabin crew lifestyle products and events company. They have emphasized that this story will change the way you see (or define) a flight attendant.According to the article, it was an ordinary flying day aboard Cebu Pacific flight 964 flying from Davao City to Manila, when something happened to one of the passengers.
According to the article, it was an ordinary flying day aboard Cebu Pacific flight 964 flying from Davao City to Manila, when something happened to one of the passengers.
Five minutes to descend, an Italian passenger suffered from cardiac arrest. Luckily, Cebu Pacific’s flight attendants are well-trained and well-versed in terms of first aid and emergency cases such as CPR and alike.
L-R: CCS and lead crew Ralph Perez, FA Kat Chetandas, and Lisha Laconico (Photo credit: Fly High Manila)
As narrated in the article, these heroes in the sky immediately did what they possibly could to save the Italian passenger. So, Mr. Ralph Perez immediately took over the situation by supervising his whole team, while flight attendants Kat Chetandas and Lisha Laconico reassured the remaining passengers were all safe.
FA Lisha Laconico operated the Automated External Defibrillator while Kat Chetandas applied CPR. After 14 cycles, the Italian man came back to life! The man was immediately attended to by a medical team after the aircraft landed in Manila.
Thankfully, with how organized and knowledgeable Cebu Pacific’s flight attendants are, the Italian passenger was able to come home alive to his family and friends.
They are confidently beautiful with a heart.
Ultimately, let’s spread love and respect to ALL hardworking people out there! Say “hi” if you must! Be kind to one another.
Help us spread the love and good vibes by sending your inspiring stories to us! Email your stories at with subject: Spread The Love. Excited to read your stories!
So, what are your thoughts about this?