Mattel Asia recently launched a new video for Barbie with hopes of empowering girls. Mattel Asia strongly believes that imaginative play is important to a child’s development and has therefore released “The Power of Play with Barbie”, which is part of the You Can Be Anything brand campaign.
(RELATED: Barbie Shows Girls They Can Be Anything They Wanna Be)
While studies show that parents in Asia think imaginative play distracts from their child’s development, Mattel Asia demonstrates the power of play when a girl plays with Barbie: she imagines all the possibilities of what she can become.
Barbie has had decades of heritage in the Western market, but in Asia, the campaign needed to show millennial Asian moms the positive benefits of imaginative play that their daughters could develop when they play with Barbie. Watch this inspirational video, where 5 girls from Asia and Australia are asked to tell an imaginative story on the spot – once without Barbies and once with Barbies:
“Barbie is the only brand that allows girls to imagine anything they can be,” says Andrea Vitali, Director, APAC Marketing. “With this campaign we wanted to build an emotional connection with Asian parents by introducing them to the wonderful benefits of imaginative play and storytelling with Barbie to promote confidence and curiosity.
Building on the global success of the Cannes Lion awarded global campaign “Imagine the Possibilities,” we worked with BBDO Asia to develop an engaging video that we hope will connect with moms while communicating the values of our brand.”
What are your best stories with Barbie? :) Share them with us!
Barbie Philippines