All the commotion going on with regards to the Bureau of Customs new policies has OFWs and their families protesting and commenting through social media. However, someone from BoC also does not seem happy with the OFWs and turned to Faceook to share her thoughts.
*We opted to hide her name and photo due to the fact that this could easily be a fake account. Please consider that as well before you opt to bash this woman.
Filipinos were outraged by this woman’s post, threatening and cursing her for what she said.
We at do not agree with these new policies, and dislike the fact that the BoC is choosing to open boxes. However, we’d like to give them the benefit of the doubt and think they have at least a slightly good reason for coming up with this conclusion… though at the moment, we aren’t sure what that is yet.
What do you guys think of Ms. R’s post?