Heartwarming story of of a simple kind hearted gesture of a citizen who saw a woman in line in a drug store who couldn’t afford her medicine that was Php 36.00 .
Rough translation: “I just wanted to share that while I was in line in Mercury Drug, there was a woman in line with me. She was a bit older than my mother. I was there fo buy Visin because of my irritated eyes. While I was buying, I was number 28. When she was called #26, it was her but she had difficulty moving. She ordered 2 pieced of vitamin B-complex. When she found out that it was Php 36.00, she tried to lessen the quantity and said “My budget is not enough.” It made me feel sad and I thought of my mother, if she was having difficulty moving and she did not have any money for medicine. When it was my turn, I bought a month supply of B-complex and gave it to the woman. I told her “This is for you, Merry Christmas” I immediately returned to my vehicle but while I was about to get in, she was chasing me and she told me “Thank you so much, son. The lord will bless you.” I had tears in my eyes while I watch her walk away crying. May God help her through other people. Merry Christmas to all!”
Thank you for sharing your story, JB Balicanta. May we continue to share our blessings with others in any way possible.
What about you? Have you helped someone or made someone smile today?