When In Manila, we’ve previously written about smoking’ medical practitioners (here and here). It seems that there is no dearth of beauty and brains in the metro as nominations kept pouring in! Without further ado, here is our second list of pretty doktoras and doktoras-to-be. In no particular order:
7. Sarah Basco
Graduated BS Nursing in UERM and a nursing board exam passer; 4th year medical student, a Junior Intern in Manila Cental University
5. Katrina Micah G. Edono RN, MD
25 years old from Quezon City; alumnus of FEU-NRMF Med School batch 2014 and B.S. Nursing batch 2010 (pre-med). Apart from passing the 2015 physician’s licensure exam, she also passed the nursing board exam year 2010.
4. Dr. Janine Sotomil
Practicing dentist in Las Pinas; graduated from UP Manila College of Dentistry. Currently, she’s taking up a specialized course on pediatric dentistry.
3. Dr. Mara Janine Hernandez Vega
2. Dr. Coreen Copuyoc
Dermatologist and girlfriend of Rico Blanco
1. Dr. Catherine Valconcha
Pediatric Ophthalmologist and Strabismus Specialist