It’s not only humans who get tired. Apparently, even newspapers do.
The Philippine Star, one of the country’s most respectable broadsheets, threw in the towel and proclaimed: Yoko na pagod na ko (I’m so tired, I don’t want to do this anymore). The tweet was reportedly deleted after 44 seconds.
Fortunately, the person who tweeted that still has his job and won’t receive disciplinary action, even after potentially 288,000 followers saw the tweet.
Tammy Mendoza, Philippine Star’s head of operations said in an interview: “We all cringed — we still do — at the mistake but we’re thankful that people understood and related to the tweet.”
The Twitter account also posted this reminder to everyone (including the person who posted the first tweet). “Rest, if you must, but don’t you quit,” which is a quote by Edgar A. Guest.
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