A photo of Vice-President Jejomar Binay is going viral on social media at the moment. The said photo shows VP Binay clad in Boy Scout uniform, decorated with medals, while stepping on chairs that serve as a makeshift walkway to avoid the mud below.
We found this photo uploaded on the Facebook page of Bisayaball.
The said post has close to 25,000 shared on Facebook and over 4,000 comments.
The photo above gained mostly criticisms from netizens. Here are some of the comments on Facebook.
One joked that the water is probably higher…
Another called him “blackscout”…
One questioned that he thought boy scouts are always ready…
Another netizen joked that he didn’t know he was a girl scout…
Another commented why he had worn a uniform.
One called him out saying he was a fake boy scout.
Another photo posted on The Library of Most Controversial Files Facebook page that has been tweaked also came out on social media.
The photo was taken last October 25 at the 16th National Scout Jamboree in Tagum City. For the past 19 years, VP Binay is the national president of the Boy Scouts of the Philippines (BSP).
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