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Johnn Lemon will upsize your drink for free on National Lemonade Day!


Words By: Carinna Reyes
Photography By: Jeff Pascual

Here in When In Manila, we say that when life gives you lemons, you make it a cause for celebration. On National Lemonade Day (this coming August 20), remember to stay thirsty when buying your glass of Johnn Lemonade as they will upsize your favorite drinks (Pure Lemonade, Lemon Ginger, and Lemon Kalamansi) from a regular 16oz to a large 22oz for only Php 49.00.

But why should you opt for a lemonade instead of your usual drink? That’s because this classic drink provides more for your body than a simple quench for thirst. Lemons are known to aid in digestion and give you a daily dose of Vitamin C. But more than that, it also helps freshen your breath, prevent the formation of kidney stone, and improves the quality of your skin!

With Johnn Lemon’s variety of drinks, you can now have a fun beverage without the worry of too much sugar being left in your body. Feeling a little sick or have a dry throat? Their Lemon Ginger will get you up in your feet in no time. Want to trick your body of having a cheat drink but still staying healthy? Their Lemon Cola might do the trick.

My personal favorite? Don’t miss out on Lemon Kiwi. The sourness of lemon surprisingly blends well with the sweetness of the kiwi and is the best flavor to boost your day.

ALSO READ: Milktea? Nah. Ante. Has Something Fresh!

What type of lemonade fusion would you want to try on National Lemonade Day? Let us know in the comments below!

These P2P buses will transport passengers from Cubao to NAIA


Dubbed as “UBE Express,” these premium P2P buses will travel from the Araneta Center to NAIA Terminals 1, 2, 3, and 4, and back to the Araneta Center.

So, if you live in proximity of the Araneta Center, traveling to NAIA seems to become easier once these buses begin their trips.

There is no definite schedule when these P2P buses will start traveling to and from the Araneta Center and NAIA, but the Facebook post where the announcement was made indicates it will be “soon.”

Anything to add to this story? Share your thoughts with us.

Crazy Rich Asians is a CRAAAZY Good Movie


Image result for crazy rich asians movie poster

Words by Joseph Cesar

Based off of the book by Kevin Kwan, “Crazy Rich Asians” portrays the lives of, well, crazy rich Asians! But more than that, it shares the struggles that come with immense wealth. From the perspective of a very normal Asian who hasn’t gotten around to reading the book, the movie remained culturally relatable with a charming cast, jaw-dropping production, and a thought-provoking story. It’s an enjoyable experience for everyone, rich Asian or not.

The movie explores two different perspectives–the first being the perspective of an “Americanized” not-so-rich Asian, and the second being the crazy rich Asians who are also crazy protective, preventing anyone from breaching their walls.

Without giving too much away, the movie follows the love story of Nick and Rachel, and how they each deal with the pressures of a family with so much wealth and fame, the whole country knows them (if you haven’t read the book, let me tell you, they have serious wealth)!

The movie did a lot of things right, but there were a few things that stood out more than others and so… Here are 3 things that made Crazy Rich Asians a CRAAAZY good movie!

3. Depth

The accuracy and controversiality of the Asian culture and how it was portrayed, calls for the audience to think and dig deeper than what is presented in front of them. When watching movies, it is almost unavoidable to pick a side. With this, a wavering of will is bound to happen as both sides make excellent points.

2. Cast

Image result for Crazy rich asians full cast

The importance of a strong cast to a movie is quite obvious. Several movies have fallen into the trap of having a great concept with a weak cast, jeopardizing the whole movie and its potential. Fortunately, they were able to strike the right balance in their cast with everyone hitting the right notes and truly elevating the movie.

1. Production

It takes a great production team to pull-off a movie portraying extremely rich families. The production and execution could be a make or break for these types of movies as they heavily rely on the visual aid to support the extravagant lifestyle that each of the characters have, and they definitely succeeded in that department. They did not skimp out on the production in this movie. From big attractions like mansions, sports cars, and yachts, to the minute details like clothing, jewelry, and overall style, they’ve got it all!

Image result for kris aquino crazy rich asians

Also… I think I can speak for everyone when I say that ever since Kris Aquino revealed that she would be in the movie, I was very curious as to what her role would be. I won’t spoil it, but I will say that I was pleasantly surprised that she was given that role. Needless to say, her performance was great.

Really, the movie did a lot of things right but these are the three that stood out for me. Mark August 22 in your calendars as Crazy Rich Asians hits the cinemas near you!

14 of our favorite “Mundo” memes


We’ve all heard the hit IV of Spades song at least once. I refuse to believe that anyone who resides in Manila has been able to successfully avoid hearing it. You’ve heard it. You sang along to it. You know the hook by heart. That’s okay–me, too.

This also means you’ve probably seen the memes. And laughed at them all while singing. Again: That’s okay–me, too.

Here are our favorites:

Tinininiw tininiw tininiw

Posted by Ageless Ateneo Memes on Monday, August 6, 2018

Thank you, Ateneans.

tinkyu sa inspirasyun, Unik.

Posted by Josue Nituda on Monday, August 6, 2018

One of our childhood faves is getting a new look.

kairita ang kornik-c0mmeut

Posted by Eut’n’commute on Monday, August 6, 2018

I knew I had a good feeling about this sport.

//Source: Jude Estabillo//

Posted by Mga memes na medyo hindi nakakatawa on Saturday, August 4, 2018

Who would win?

Posted by Paul David Herrera Halili on Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Is this the black parade?

Posted by Jhedshane Clyde Villas on Tuesday, August 7, 2018

A hybrid!

Fashionable, too.


I stan.

New definition of heartache.

I love them both.


Mundo’y magiging hikaw.


Which one is your favorite? Let us know!

LOOK: This is the Philippine logo for the 2019 SEA Games


The logo of the Philippines for the 2019 Southeast Asian (SEA) Games has just been revealed. Foreign Affairs Secretary Alan Peter Cayetano presented the logo on Sunday at the Olympic Council of Asia general assembly in Jakarta, Indonesia.

Watch his presentation below.

In his presentation, he said, “Our logo will be the 11 circles representing the 11 countries bound together in the shape of the Philippines to symbolize that wherever and whenever the games are played, we are one and we win as one.”

Despite what seemed to be a nice explanation of the logo, it was not well received by many people on social media. Some mentioned that this was not at the same level of quality as our past logos and some even said that this is just lazy work.

On Twitter, username@sejoalzir shed some light on this.

@sejoalzir compared it to Japan’s logo for the upcoming 2020 Tokyo Olympics.

Others dabbled in a bit of humor about it.

One user even compared it finding the Hidden Mickey.

On Facebook, some reacted saying that this looked like rubbers bands. Some even hoped that this is not the official logo yet.

The Philippines is set to host the 30th SEA Games. This will be held from November to December 2019.

What do you think of our country’s logo for the 2019 SEA Games? Yay? Or could have they done it better? Any suggestions?

Should you really quit your office job to pursue your passion?

Sundowners Vacation Villas Bolinao Pangasinan

IG: @altaniameen

You’ve probably seen these people on Instagram: the ones who don’t seem to have an office job and can be found in beaches, foreign countries, or cafes. While it may look like they’re unemployed and are just having a great time, they’re hustling like you, who’s supposed to be working instead of scrolling through your feed.

These people are the ones who have given up the conventional 9-6 job and have chosen to pursue their passion, whatever it may be. And when you’ve seen how much they’re living their best lives outside of an office cubicle, it makes you wonder if you can do it, too.

The thing is: should you really quit your office job to do what you love?

It’s a question that a lot of millennials face today, because of the prevalence of social media.

The answer: yes, you can. And you don’t need to be rich to do it.

After I graduated, I got into a job that I didn’t really enjoy but an internship opened up at a newspaper. I’ve always wanted to be a writer so I thought this was my way in. I became a contributor and quit my day job. Sadly, I f@#$ed it up. Instead of making the most of it by networking and looking for more writing gigs, I stayed home and did nothing. The only thing I gained was weight.

But my story doesn’t encompass the story of pursuing your passion. There are plenty of others who have succeeded in turning their hobby into their life’s work. Take for example Aileen Adalid, who quit her office job at 21 to open her own business and travel the world. To date, she has been to more than 50 countries and documents everything on her popular blog.

There’s also Abbey Sy, who used to work in advertising but gave that up to become an artist. She has since launched books on journaling, hand lettering, and calligraphy.

Aileen and Abbey are just two of many successful people who gave up a comfortable job to do what they love. As for myself, after a few false starts, I found my dream job writing for WheninManila.com.

Now, if you’re thinking of leaving the office to start your own thing, I have a few tips for you:

The most important tip is that you should have enough money to survive. There are people who say that pursuing your passion is a rich man’s pursuit but you can do it, regardless of your socioeconomic status. Before you even quit your job, make sure you have enough savings to live by. An article by CNBC said that you should have three to six months worth of your living expenses, while others say you should have 12 months worth of your income. This means that you shouldn’t just quit. You should prepare.

Next is to have the right connections. Whatever you’re going to do after, your source of income will be from your connections so it’s a good idea to refine it. It’s a good idea to make sure you have customers even before you dive in.

Lastly, you need to have discipline. Working on what you love may seem like an easy task and it’s tempting to sleep in, watch Netflix, and put your tasks off for a later time. People work differently so you have to discover how you’re productive… and stick to it. If you get too relaxed, you become lazy and end up accomplishing nothing.

Quitting your day job to pursue your passion can be a daunting task because of its uncertainty. If you’re feeling a little cautious, fret not, because the creative industry is currently booming. If you’re a writer, artist, or any form of designer, there are companies looking to hire you full-time. This way, you can still pursue your passion and have the stability of an office gig.

They say that you should do what you love so you won’t have to work a day in your life. It’s a cliche saying but it’s a cliche because it’s true. Any form of work is stressful, whether it’s a desk job or a freelance life. You might as well have fun doing it.

P.S. Real talk: A talk on pursuing your passion will inevitably touch on the topic of privilege. It’s hard to give up the comforts of a stable income, 13th month pay, and HMO if you’re the breadwinner or if you have family obligations. If you insist on doing what you love, you can keep your day job and do your thing on the side. Not only will you satisfy your creative urges, you can also supplement your income and provide more for the people you love!

WATCH: This restaurant serves a meal of NOTHING!


If you want something new for lunch or dinner, or maybe if you are on a diet, then you might want to give the “Ghost Meal” a try.

Holy Grill is serving a “Ghost Meal” in celebration of the Ghost Month.

For P50, you can get a “Ghost Meal” which consists of literally nothing with a glass of iced tea, as an offering to ghosts and spirits. According to Holy Grill, P20 goes directly to their staff.

You can choose to have an air-grilled “Ghost Meal” or a sizzling one.

According to Holy Grill’s Jose Marcelo III:

The Holy Ghost meal tastes like your favorite meal—in air! Just like ghosts, it is invisible too! Though if you have a third eye maybe you can see it. Otherwise, you can just imagine the food!

Nope, this is not a prank. We are really offering this and hope you can help us spread the word. This is so ridiculous everybody deserves to know about it!

To know more about the “Ghost Meal,” watch the video below.

In Chinese folklore, the seventh lunar month is considered the Ghost Month. For 2018, the Ghost Month is celebrated from August 11 to September 9. During this period, ghosts and spirits are believed to be out and about to cause bad luck.

Will you try the Ghost Meal?

7 alternate endings to Jose Rizal’s “El Filibusterismo”


It was like a high school rite of passage to read Rizal’s revolution-stirring novels Noli and El Fili. The characters, the plots, the talasalitaan (vocabulary)! All of those things were part of the experience. We’re all pretty much aware of the turn of events in each novel and how things were eventually resolved.

Yet, sometimes I still lie awake at night asking myself: What if things had ended differently? What if certain key events were shifted to extremes or changed altogether? Here are x alternate endings to Rizal’s novel, El Filubusterismo.

7. Girl power ending – Maria Clara and Juli vs. the Padres and the Patriarchy

Maria Clara and Juli are iconic women in Noli and El Fili. The demure Maria Clara and the hardworking Juli have received the short end of the stick in terms of the story with both of them dying because of the torment of some lustful priests (boo).

Many of us think that they deserved more than to be killed off in the unfortunate ways they did. So, one alternate ending is to bring these ladies some retribution. Juli is done with all of Padre Camorra’s creepy advances and finds some way to track the locket back to Maria Clara in the convent. She breaks in, convinces our dear Maria Clara to accompany her, and they take down their abusers (Salvi and Camorra) metaphorical (or maybe even literal, depending on how axed she is) guns a-blazing.

6. The make-it-big ending

At the end of the novel, Simoun/Ibarra find Padre Florentino and confesses his entire story to him. He even hands the priest all his riches before finally passing away. Padre Florentino takes these treasures and tosses them into the ocean as a symbol of us not being ready for the transformative power of these riches but, hopefully, we will be in the future.

An ending I pictured was: Padre Florentino makes a break for it with the treasure that Simoun leaves with him. Instead of throwing it into the ocean, he runs off, boards a ship to Europe, and lives it up far away from the drama. A good character like him deserves to be chilling on the beach and retiring.

5. The ending we deserved – Elias (and Salome)’s revenge

You know what I’m still mad about? Elias dying in Noli. He didn’t deserve that death. And Simoun just isn’t edgy enough (even with those dark glasses) to have that same spirit as Elias. So this is the ending I want: Elias comes back from the dead. And he wins the whole damn thing. With Salome at his side on horseback with a bolo in her left hand and her rage in the other. All I need.

4. Isagani isn’t a softboi ending

This will also ensure that Simoun’s plan actually goes off (pun unintended). After Paulita Gomez blows Isagani off because of their disagreements (and their debate about trains LOL), Isagani angsts about and realizes he isn’t about to cut his hair to get emo bangs and write poems about Paulita all day along.

Instead, he doesn’t interfere with the lamp-bomb going off but he’ll watch from the distance, wistfully, while getting an undercut and drinking his protein shake. He’s over his feelings but a part of him will always remember her even as the revolution is happening around him.

3. The chaos ending

Simoun, in his stewing rage, miscalculates everything in the lamp and it explodes just as Simoun brings it in. Yikes. He’s, of course, plagued by the pain of losing his lover in the convent and the anger he feels so he could possibly make just a little mistake with measuring chemicals that they activate a little too early.

He’ll be going down with the proverbial ship is what I’m saying. Which, I think, ties up the narrative pretty well, too. He condemns the people in this reign of greed when he has inspired it, too. And he knows it.

2. Only just a dream

Crisostomo Ibarra wakes up in his carriage going to Kapitan Tiago’s house, shaken by the idea of him growing his hair out to that ridiculous length, donning glasses, and only having one name (gasp)! Oh, and the idea of even trying to take down the evils of society in such a violent way.

Turns out the entirety of El Fili is a fever dream that Ibarra cooks up in his head Post-Europe and in the heady excitement of seeing his lover again. Or is it prophecy?

1. Everything is the same except…

The whole plot is retained except that, the entire time, Padre Sibyla was an alien. That’s all.

Which ending is your favorite? Let me know!

LOOK: This Redesign of the Logo for the 30th SEA Games is Awesome!


The official logo for the 30th SEA Games (which you can see here) hasn’t been getting great reviews so far. Designer Ronald Gary Bengil Bautista, for one, felt that the design didn’t work. “I understand that style can be subjective, but there are some elements in branding that are pretty standard,” he says. “If your design is representing an athletic event, it should look the part,” he explains.

Check out Gary’s vision of the logo in his original Facebook post here:

On his personal view as a designer, Gary was not convinced the unveiled SEA Games 2019 logo represents the event well. A lot of people have expressed their frustrations with the official design, but Gary wanted to express it through more than just a post. “Instead of voicing out what I believed should have done with the design, I thought why not just show it instead?”

With his redesign, Gary kept the 11 rings concept that represent the participating countries forming the archipelago of the Philippines as the host country. “I recognized that the concept itself wasn’t bad on its own,” he shares. “It’s how they executed it.”

Instead of the map of the Philippines, Gary chose another symbol that can also represent the country. Being a Davaoeno, the obvious choice for him was the Philippine Eagle. “It’s iconic, respected, and considering who our current President is, it’s quite relevant,” he explains.

“It probably helps that I’m from the South and I see all these Eagle imageries and branding quite often,” Gary shares. Coincidentally, Gary has also been doing some redesigning of logos from local brands and discovered that he enjoys them quite a lot. “I do them as design exercises, so reimagining the SEA Games logo was also because I thought it was fun.”

Gary stresses that he is not intentionally digging on the chosen design, but that he did share his redesign right away because he thought this could possibly lead to having the official logo changed. “That’s what I want most out of this,” he admits. “In my humble opinion, that event deserves a different design and this is what I think it should be. I even posted that I’ll be willing to sell it to them cheap or even give it for free. Just change it. Please.”

What do you think? Which logo do you prefer?

Check out Gary’s Instagram account for more of his designs here.

12 of the funniest SEA games logo memes


The logo created for the SEA games is meme-worthy. That much is undeniably true. We couldn’t help but chuckle when we saw it and, even if we were attempting to like it, we couldn’t. And we guessed other people were similarly inspired, too!

Here are the most hilarious SEA games memes/alternative logos.

Lots of P88 bargains! Let’s go! Game?

Posted by Japan Home Centre on Monday, August 20, 2018

I love Japan Home Center. I need all of their things.

Here's my own take of SEA GAMES LOGO 2019 😂 HAHAHA

Posted by Mark Joseph Timbal on Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Wow! Magic!


Something fishy about this… Only one platter of spaghetti? :'(

Ah, now I get it!

Sobrang funny.

Their marketing team is amazing, tbh.

Okay, now I finally understand.


I have a hankering for beer now.


Only choco butternut will do.

Which meme is your favorite? Let us know!

WATCH: The First Ever International Studio Challenge Will Be Held in Our Own Backyard!


Words by Rianna Bernabe

You can witness exceptional talent everywhere here in Manila. You can see passion burning in the eyes of Filipinos and the unmatched potential of our local artists has made us proud all over the world. In fact, Pinoy pride has come a long way to the point that a parody video, Try Not to Show Pinoy Pride Challenge, went viral last year.

Around the same time, Legit Status, an official Philippine representative to the annual World Hip Hop Dance Championship, brought home a bronze medal for the Megacrew division. This year, they are bringing home the competition itself with Studio Challenge!

Our very own dance teams will be competing against world-renowned performers such as dancers for Rihanna, Nicki Minaj, JLo, Justin Bieber, and Janet Jackson! Watch Critical Breakdown Crew, LSDC-Street, Power Impact Dancers, New Zealand’s The Royal Family and Australia’s LA Talent go head to head in our own backyard!

Studio Challenge is the ultimate International Dance Competition showcasing amazing dance talent, creativity, and depth, with a chance to win the title of “Best Dance Studio in the World”. It will incorporate dance crews and performers from studios located in different corners of the world, presenting competition dance routines, battles, and the coolest part, a 48-hour challenge!

The 48-hour challenge is when each studio will be given an artist and would have to choreograph a 3-minute routine using any of the chosen artist’s songs with all studio members within 48 hours. What makes this competition so exciting is that it is introducing an all-new dance competition format, on top of performances from special guests. Studio Challenge will run for 2 days. Day 1 will start off with the 9-Man Crew Division Preliminaries, followed by the Megacrew Division Preliminaries, then the battles. Day 2 will be the finals for each division and will end with the 48-hour challenge.

Who will reign supreme during the first-ever International Studio Challenge? Find out this August 27 and 29, 2018 at Henry Lee Irwin Theater, Ateneo de Manila University.

Ticket prices are at Php 200 for day 1, Php 300 for day 2, and Php 450 for both days. You can get your tickets at the Groove Central Dance Studio (104 13th Avenue Brgy. Socorro Cubao, Quezon City) or you may contact 0995 502 3683 or any Legit Status member!

Tips and Tricks to Get YOU Through Intermittent Fasting


Related image

Written by Joseph Cesar

Interested in intermittent fasting but you don’t know where to start? Don’t worry! I’m here to share some tips to help you get through intermittent fasting.

4. Research

Well first and foremost, you need to prepare before you even start. Now, what does that mean? Well, that means doing your research–weighing the pros and cons in order to properly evaluate whether intermittent fasting is for you. A lot of articles have made studies on the effects of intermittent fasting, click here to check one out!

3. Tailored to your fit

Image result for getting tailored

If you decide that the pros outweigh the cons, then it’s time to get serious! There are different types of intermittent fasting intervals and you need to find one that suits your lifestyle best. This means going through your day-to-day activities and seeing which hours you’re most active in. For example, a call center agent who is mostly awake during the night, may not have the same interval as a person who works during the day. Personally, I used the 16-8 split, where I fast for 16 hours, and eat for 8.

2. Eat right, and Think right

Next is the concrete prepping stage. This is where you start to prepare for your intermittent fasting journey. The main things you need to prep for are food accessibility and mental condition. Yes, you read that right, you need to prepare your mental state as well. A lot of people jump into intermittent fasting carrying the same mindset they had before and end up stopping shortly after.

I’ll admit that I am guilty of that. I tried intermittent fasting during my vacation as a spur of the moment decision and after a month, I decided to back out. Although other factors play a part, I can surely say that my mindset played a big role in my level of motivation in staying true to the diet.

But, what does it mean to have a strong mindset? Well, it means understanding that, at some point, it will be difficult. Even if let’s say, you have the capability to fast without any problems, can you resist temptation when asked to eat out? Can you say no to your friends who will tempt you into eating out of time? These are the questions you need to ask yourself in order to be mentally ready.

Image result for prepped meals

After preparing mentally, it’s time to plan some logistics. Once again depending on your lifestyle, food accessibility will differ. I did mine on vacation when I was at home so food was always available. But if you’re working or studying, it may be a good idea to invest in some tupperwares so that you can pre-make your meals and bring them on the go.

Trust me, after a fast, the last thing you want to do is to fumble around for food to eat. Preparing your meals ahead of time will save you a lot of time and money. But more importantly, it allows you to control what you eat which will yield more calculated results in the long run.

1. Go sloooow

For my final tip, let me tell you the story of how I failed my intermittent fasting diet. As mentioned earlier, it was a sudden decision I made when I was on vacation. At the time, I came from a bulk, which meant that I was eating around every two hours. My stomach and my mind were so used to eating several times a day that the sudden change in diet resulted in hellish pain. I was on a bulking diet for a good 3 months and I wasn’t able to give my body enough time to adjust.

The biggest lesson I learned is to slowly acclimate your body to the change. It can be done by doing small fasts during the day. Perhaps reducing a meal per day, or maybe even reducing it only once per week. Just as with most things, you will have your own pace. There is no single timeframe that will work for everyone.

This is also very important because the slow change helps in the long run. By having a gradual change, your body starts to adapt to what is new. Instead of suddenly changing your diet and you’ll end up craving and missing your old diet. Consistency is key and going slow will definitely help.

I hope these tips and tricks helped, and good luck on your intermittent fasting journey!

LOOK: What can we draw from this photo of commuting passengers?


As the -ber months draw nearer, the roads in the metro can become more and more unbearable to be in due to traffic. Anyone who takes the public road or public transportation can attest to how traffic can be absolutely tiring in Manila. Commuters can attest to such since waiting in long lines for a ride could be stressful in itself, as well as suffering from the heat or rains that come.

A classic example is this – a long queue for a train ride in Santolan. Just look at that crowd wanting to get to their destinations ASAP.

Another netizen was able to capture passengers of a UV Express sleeping, which appeared as if they were “praying”, as their heads are bowed.

Some interpreted it as a ‘prayer meeting’, while others pointed out the passengers’ fatigue caused by traffic, or demands of work. Some pointed out how the photo explains as a wake-up call for better public transportation considering the order and hassle many commuters face nowadays.

What are your thoughts on this? Let us know in the comments below!

Disclaimer: WheninManila.com does not own the image. Credits go to John Rundell Paredes. 

WATCH: This airline’s captain sings for passengers before retiring from flying


Admittedly, the hassle caused by the recent accident along the NAIA (Ninoy Aquino International Airport) runway last week has caused turmoil for most flights that day. Many travelers were stranded in the NAIA terminals or had to reschedule their flights on different days. Needless to say, it wasn’t the best day for the jet setters scheduled on that day, including myself.

Katherine Sheree Lobrigas Tandingan was one of the thousands of booked passengers that had a flight delay on that day, but this gesture made by the captain of the airplane she was on touched her heart.

“Delayed flight? No worries, if you’ll be able to witness a once in a lifetime chance [like this],” she says in Filipino.

She shares in her post that the officer’s name was Rizalino “Totoy” Irizari.

Watch the captain serenade his passengers one last time before retiring. Get those tissues out.

What do you think of this story? Let us know in the comments below!

Disclaimer: WheninManila.com does not own the video or the images above. Credits go to Katherine Sheree Lobrigas Tandingan.

A sequel to the “Crazy Rich Asians” movie is already in the works!


The film Crazy Rich Asians has only been released in the Philippines yesterday but a sequel is already in the works.

The sequel will still be directed by John M. Chu and will maintain his team.

Crazy Rich Asians has done well in the US, where it earned $34 million (roughly P1.82 billion) domestically in its first five days. It also has a 93% on Rotten Tomatoes, citing a “terrific cast and a surfeit of visual razzle dazzle,” as well as taking “a satisfying step forward for screen representation while deftly drawing inspiration from the classic — and still effective — rom-com formula.”

The film is adapted on Kevin Kwan’s hugely successful trilogy, which follows Rachel Chu, an Asian-American professor, who visits Singapore to visit his boyfriend’s family. Unbeknownst to her, her boyfriend Nick Young’s family is one of the richest in Asia.

The sequel is called China Rich Girlfriend and will follow the events of the first film. It has not been greenlit yet but is “moving forward with development.” And it looks like Warner Bros. will also adapt the last of the trilogy, Rich People Problems. According to producer Brad Simpson in an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, “We have a plan with Kevin for the next two films.”

Crazy Rich Asians has done well in the US after Hollywood has faced backlash on the lack of representation in cinema. It is the first film since 1993’s Joy Luck Club to have a nearly all Asian-American cast.

Crazy Rich Asians stars Constance Wu, Henry Golding, Gemma Chan, Awkwafina, Ken Jeong, and Michelle Yeoh.

Are you excited for this? Share your thoughts below!

Follow When in Manila Koji for more stories like this!

LOOK: KC Concepcion introduces her boyfriend!


A post shared by Kristina. (@itskcconcepcion) on

It looks like actress and TV host KC Concepcion is back to dating, as she just revealed her new boyfriend via Instagram.

Concepcion posted a photo of the two of them together in Malibu, California, with the caption “Warm, genuine, timeless.”

Her beau’s name is Pierre Emmanuel Plassart, a French film producer.

As of posting, the Instagram photo has more than 140,000 likes and close to 4,000 comments.

Concepcion’s mother, megastar Sharon Cuneta, gave her seal of approval by reposting the photo on her own Instagram account, with the caption “My Kristina and Pierre. Not anyone new. The same Pierre we warmly welcomed into our family and circle years ago. I am so happy!”

According to reports, the couple met in 2011 at a gala dinner for former U.S. President Bill Clinton.

Concepcion has been hinting at the relationship, saying last month that she’s dating a foreigner with “pusong Pinoy” (with a Filipino heart) in an interview with ABS-CBN. Earlier this month, she also posted a photo of Ecuadorian roses in her hotel room, with the caption about timing for everything.

What do you think? Share your thoughts below!

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WATCH: Jake Zyrus to appear in Japanese thriller with Ji-young


After a quiet few years, Jake Zyrus is back in the showbiz industry with a role in Yaru Onna (She’s a Killer), a Japanese thriller headlined by ex-KARA member Kang Ji-young.

Watch the trailer below:

Yaru Onna follows Ji-young as Aiko, who avenges her parents after witnessing their murder. Zyrus stars as Akira, Aiko’s best friend.

According to Zyrus in an interview with ABS-CBN News, “Kamay niya ako. Isa siyang assassin tapos ako ‘yung tumutulong sa kanya na maghanap ng next target niya.”

He appears briefly in the trailer, where his voice is noticeably higher. According to the singer, this is because filming began before he transitioned.

Zyrus is also billed in the trailer as “Charice aka Jake Zyrus.”

Yaru Onna premiered at the Bucheon International Fantastic Film Festival in July, and will be released in Japan this October. There is no word if the film will also be screened in the Philippines.

What do you think? Share your thoughts below!

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WATCH: Anne Curtis to star in the horror movie “Aurora”


Just weeks after the success of the action film BuyBust (and a concert), actress Anne Curtis will be back on screens, this time for the horror film Aurora.

Watch the trailer below:

The film follows Curtis as Leanna, a young woman living on an island where a ship named Aurora has crashed. She decides to look for the bodies so that their home can find peace.

Aurora is directed by Yam Laranas, who also directed the horror films Sigaw, the English adaptation The Echo, and The Road.

Curtis will star with Marco Gumabao, Arnold Reyes, Mercedes Cabral, Allan Paule, and Ricardo Cepeda.

This is Curtis’s third film for the year, following Sid and Aya: Not A Love Story and BuyBust.

The film is an official entry to the Metro Manila Film Festival, and will premiere on December 25, 2018.

Are you excited for this? Share your thoughts below!

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Here Comes Thy Guide Bridal Fair Season 4: The Ultimate Bridal Event of 2018


See the very best wedding suppliers, compare packages and assess each product and services at your own pace. This bridal fair is intended to cater for every budget.

Find the perfect gown, souvenirs, photographer, reception venue, band, caterer and so much more!

Admission is absolutely FREE, so make sure to mark your calendar for Here Comes Thy Guide Bridal Fair Season 4 on October 6 and 7, 2018 at Tagaytay International Convention Center, 10 AM to 8 PM.

Register for FREE at www.herecomesthyguide.com

Like us on FB: https://www.facebook.com/herecomesbridalfair/

Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/bridalfairguide

Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/herecomesbridalfair/

LOOK: Premium P2P buses to travel Trinoma-Makati route starting September


P2P “Black” Skyliner Tours, a premium lineup of P2P buses, will soon traverse the Trinoma-Makati route starting September 1, 2018.

Photos from: P2P Premium Bus Service Facebook Page

The Froehlich Tours Inc. will add 5 round trips per day for Trinoma – Park Square – Trinoma by deploying our VIP Neoplan Skyliner (the only unit of this type in South East Asia).

The fare for this additional “Black” Premium Product will be the maximum approved one-way fare by LTFRB (PHP 100). Skyliner trips are exclusively limited to cash ticket basis full fare (one way) and are not available for monthly pass holders, weekly pass holders, roundtrip tickets, BEEP Card or any other discounted fares (therefore, we still offer our regular service schedule).

“Black” Premium Ticketing will be done through a dedicated on-board stewardess upon seating and will have a separate one-way ticket (Black ticket) which is only available on board of the Neoplan Skyliner (first come first serve basis).

The “Black” Premium Service will operate Monday – Saturday and during public Holidays (PHP 100 one way fare throughout) and will be operated separately from our regular schedule. “Black” Premium Service will be operated with an onboard stewardess/coordinator for ticketing and assistance and will not be included in the regular terminal services operated by our terminal crews.

Here are other photos of the new premium buses.

Photos from: P2P Premium Bus Service Facebook Page

Here is the departure schedule in Trinoma :

6:00 AM | 8:30 AM | 7:00 PM | 10:00 PM

Here is the departure schedule in Park Square :

7:30 AM | 5:30 PM | 8:30 PM | 11:00 PM

The P2P “Black” Skyliner Tours will operate from Monday to Saturday and during public holidays. There will be no operation on Sundays.

Anything to add to this story? Share your thoughts with us.

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