The Star Wars fever is running high. Fans are excited for the new chapter of the series, while others are raving about the awesomeness of The Force Awakens. Indeed, now is a good time for Star Wars fans.
You can clearly tell that whoever made this campaign video for Sen. Miriam Defensor-Santiago is also a fan. Here, Santiago’s achievements are laid out like the opening sequence of the films, and the presidential hopeful is dubbed as a Jedi. The video was shared by the Miriam Defensor Santiago for President Facebook page, run by her volunteers. Please take note that the senator has nothing to do with this page.
The video was described as:
“Your servant. Your defender. Your leader. I AM MIRIAM.”
The Iron Lady sees the presidency as a personal challenge to her skills as a public servant, much like how Mt. Everest is the mountain to beat for many climbers.
Why a challenge?
Because a challenge squeezes out the best from you.
And that is why an MDS administration can turn the tide for the Philippines.
Miriam gives her very best on her job, producing bills and resolutions (1,007 total for 2014) far above her colleagues in the Senate.
Miriam does not beat around the bush. She goes straight for the facts, arranges it so that every Filipino and Filipina who hears her voice understands why, thus empowering themselves.
Miriam does not care for favors or partisan politics, because doing what is right for the Philippines is more important. She cleaned up the Commision of Immigration and Deportation, set the Department of Agrarian Reform in the right direction and crafted laws that would serve the country.
Miriam has been denounced as an atheist (she is not) , yet, an administration under her will recognize what is espoused and protected in each religion, the citizen’s right to live and prosper under the rule of law.
Miriam would shine in the international and judicial arena, for she alone amongst the Filipino legislators was entrusted to be a judge in the International Criminal Court. The Iron Lady of Asia is also globally famous and was named one of the most powerful women in the world.
Miriam has been known to push for her subordinates’ salaries’ increase. She knows that proper compensation protects the employees from the temptations brought by money. Imagine government employees resistant to bribery. Imagine policemen rightfully and tirelessly enforcing the law.
Miriam does not stand down against a threat and would look for a peaceful resolution while ensuring the law is enforced. The lawbreakers would be caught (just like how the illegal aliens were detained, deported or processed when she was Commissioner of Immigration and Deportation), because the enforcers would be empowered under her leadership.
Miriam would not need the death penalty because the tireless enforcement of laws would be the reality rather than the dream. When lawbreakers are caught consistently, imprisonment is the reality rather than immunity from the law.
Miriam -alone- shone in the Executive (Commissioner of Immigration & Deportation, Ramon Magsaysay awardee), Judicial (QC RTC judge, ICC judge, and a Philippine Judges Association hall of famer) and Legislative (3 terms in the Senate; she has always been the senate’s top performer, averaging 1027 bills and resolutions per Congress session) branches of the government.
“It was my moral duty to brave the perils of bureaucratic darkness. It was a way of paying my dues to society—for it has been kind to those who, like me, rose from the ranks of genteel poverty.” – Miriam Defensor Santiago
Watch the video below:
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